Benjamin Brindle

About me

I'm a PhD student under supervision of  Ulf Kühn at University of Hamburg. In 2021 I completed my master thesis about "Dualities of q-analogues of multiple zeta values" under supervision of Henrik Bachmann and Ulf Kühn at University of Hamburg. You find my CV here.

Mathematical interests: Analytic number theory and combinatorics. In particular, I'm interested in multiple zeta values, their q-analogues and their connection to both fields.

Other stuff I do, you can find here


Mail: benjamin.brindle "at"

Address: Bundesstraße 55, 20146 Hamburg, Germany

Proc. Japan Acad., 98, Ser. A (2022), 29-33.

INTEGERS, 24, A6 (2024).

Mathematische Annalen (2024).


Dualities of q-analogues of multiple zeta values (Master thesis, 2021).

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